The Corporation recognizes that the most cogent proof of good corporate governance is that which is visible to the eyes of its investors. Therefore the following provisions are issued for the guidance of all internal and external parties concerned, as governance covenant between the Corporation and all its investors.
The Board shall be committed to respect the following rights of the stockholders, which shall be exercised in accordance with the Corporation Code, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Corporation
It shall be the duty of the directors to promote shareholder rights, remove impediments to the exercise of shareholders’ rights and allow possibilities to seek redress of violation of their rights. They shall encourage the exercise of shareholders’ voting rights and the solution of collective action problems through appropriate mechanisms. They shall be instrumental in removing excessive costs and other administrative impediments to shareholders’ meaningful participation in meetings, whether in person or by proxy. The directors shall ensure timely distribution of accurate shareholder information necessary to make informed decisions subject to legal constraints.
The Board shall give minority stockholders the right to propose the holding of meetings and the items for discussion in the agenda that relate directly to the business of the corporation.